ColorWeirdo - Color Picker

Easy to use Professional Color Picker & Color Palette Generator

Enter a color code in HEX (e.g., #FF0000) or HSL (e.g., hsl(0, 100%, 50%)) format, or use the color wheel below to select your perfect color.


Interactive Color Wheel

Explore colors visually with our intuitive color wheel interface

Real-time Preview

See your colors come to life instantly as you make adjustments


Multiple Formats

Get your colors in HEX, RGB, and HSL formats with one click


Smart Palettes

Generate harmonious color combinations automatically

How to Use Color Studio


Choose Your Color

Use the color wheel, sliders, or paste a color code



Fine-tune with precise controls


Generate Palettes

Create shades, tints, and harmonious combinations


Export & Use

Copy colors in your preferred format

Copied to clipboard!